Maricopa FOP
Lodge 5
Building on a Proud Tradition
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No one knows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today’s law enforcement officers better than another officer, and no one knows law enforcement officers better than the FOP
About The Maricopa Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office was established in 1871 when a fifth county was carved out of the territory’s original four. Law and order in the County’s 9226 square miles have since been the primary responsibility of the 36 sheriff’s elected to office since 1871. Some held office for as long as 22 years – others for as briefly as two weeks.
Professional Status
To further the advancement of narcotics law enforcement to a higher professional status
The continued advancement in the techniques of supervision and investigation in the field of narcotics enforcement
Fraternalism among our fellow officers, with unity expressed, implied and practiced by each member
Promotion of mutual cooperation in all area of narcotic and dangerous drug control
Who We Are
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office was established in 1871 when a fifth county was carved out of the territory’s original four. Law and order in the County’s 9226 square miles have since been...
Fallen Heroes
We honor these brave officers and their families. Sadly, across the country, many law enforcement officers will lose their lives this year while performing their duties. The Steve Young Memorial Scholarship Program...
Cops and Kids
The Maricopa County Fraternal Order of Police #5 is proud to announce our 2019 “ Cops for Kids” Holiday Event. The program is designed to unite Maricopa County Deputies with local disadvantaged children for...
Make The Right Choice… The Fraternal Order Of Police.
With more than 327,000 members, the Fraternal Order of Police is the largest law enforcement union in the United States. The benefits of membership include access to the best legal plan available to law enforcement, aggressive employment representation, effective political relationships at the local, state and national level and a reputation for taking care of our membership.